Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

How to choose the best hosting solution?

Key factors describing the right solution:

Server Response Time: It changes on shared servers, when another website hosted on  the same server receives bulk requests. You don’t have such control if your website is hosted on shared servers. But, on dedicated web hosting, you have the root access to your physical server, to make sudden changes that affect the response time of your server.
Flexibility: On shared server you are limited to the server access, such as you cannot install or access the software’s pre-installed on the server by provider. Whereas, most likely if you opt for a dedicated server, you can control the software installation, operating systems and many more.

: As your website grows, so the requirement of your websites, such as server resources, third party applications, hence you will need to upgrade the server. Using a shared server decreases the possibilities of updates and installation. It will let you increase your disk space and nothing more. The upgrading of other server resources such as hard drive, memory, new software’s and operating system can be done independently on a dedicated server.

: Shared web hosting is not as secure as a dedicated web hosting server. Possibilities of getting sites damaged or hacked are more on shared servers. Whereas, a web hosting server is protected by a software or hardware firewall, via which you  can have control on the incoming and outgoing requests on your server.
Shared web hosting can be considered when your website is in initial stage, but as your business grows, you site needs more sophisticated features like E-commerce, a dedicated web server becomes essential.